Saturday, July 10, 2010

Moms birthday

its July tenth, and that would be the day my Mom was born twenty seven years ago (*wink wink she has a fifteen year old son really.)
It was a pretty normal day for us all, Mom went shopping, (for her birthday meal of course!) We went outside, a pretty average day. It started seeming like someones birthday when she asked me to make the seven layer salad, which is a delicious salad with lettuce, celery, onions, cheese, mayonnaise,bacon, pepper and sugar. (there must be something I'm missing, it is TEN layer salad after all...) I cooked the bacon while Zach chopped up everything else. After the bacon was done, I went downstairs with my grease smeared, almost burned hand, and went to, which is a website with a bunch of pictures and you can put labels on them to make them funny, and made an e card for Mom. Pretty soon it was time to eat. we had chicken, and watermelon, and of course, seven layer salad. After which we sang to Mom, (very off tune I might add) and ate brownies. Mom said it was a good Birthday because it was relaxed, and no one was overreacting, so it all ended up to be a great day.


  1. Woah! Your mom is fake turning my favorite number!

  2. I thought you were serious about your mom turning 27 until I did the math and I was like, "wait a second..." :D
    I laughed and thought that was really nice you would put that for your mom.
